UX Learnings
Recently, I have started to take the Introduction to User Experience Design from Coursera. Today is the first day, so I wanted to save the date.
In the past, I have completed Intro to the Design of Everyday Things from Don Norman who is an American Researcher and professor. Unfortunately, that course is not offered anymore in Udacity.
Here are some of my notes:
The core concept of the user experience design is:
Users use interfaces to accomplish a task
Don Norman is the key person in this field. He is also famous by identifying the doors that doesn’t open naturally. Watch the video below and you’ll understand why.
According to the Don Norman, good design means usable. Usability characterized as effective, efficient and satisfying to the user.
He also notes that a good design has three pillars which are:
Affordances —the relationship between an object and a person
Signifiers —communication devices
Feedback —sending information back to the user about their action
The recent course that I have started is advising these
booklets for recommendations:
The Design of Everyday Things, 2013 edition by Don Norman
Interaction Design by Jennifer Preece, Helen Sharp and Yvonne Rogers
Human Computer Interaction, 2004 by Dix, Finlay, Abowd & Beale
Understanding Your Users, 2015 edition by Baxter, Courage & Caine
resources to get yourself updated: